
Friday, April 8, 2011


First off, a healthy relationship involve respect and trust. Unfortunately relationships take a bad turn and end up in a situation that you do not want to be in and don't know how to get out of. Abuse doesn't always mean physical violence. Actually, abuse is easily mistaken for jealousy that is over the top, and controlling behavior. Relationships are mainly about love, and respecting someone that you care for. It needs trust, not constant worrying and feeling insecure, and nervous all the time. Its very important to talk things over with your boyfriend/girlfriend, communication is the key! You don't want to always assume the worst it can cause so much anxiety which leads to over thinking situations that doesn't turn out best for the both of you.

What is abuse?

Abuse is not just physical, in fact abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, or verbal.
so let's cover each.
PHYSICAL: Physical abuse can be, pulling hair, hitting, pinching, slapping, kicking etc. Pretty much if they touch you and it hurts and makes you very uncomfortable it can be considered abuse.
EMOTIONAL: Emotional abuse consists of things like teasing, bullying, humiliating, threats, put downs, betrayal , intimidation, anything really along those lines. It's not a visible abuse but it is qualified as abuse. It can cause a long term effect too, such as self esteem damage and self confidence damage.
SEXUAL: Sexual abuse can be very dangerous too at times. It's pretty much that if someone touches and or harms your body with making you feel uncomfortable and awkward is abuse. This can happen to guy or girl.
VERBAL: Verbal abuse is pretty much self explanatory. Just basically when friend OR boyfriend/girlfriend says something to you that's teasing, bullying, humiliating, threats, put downs intimidating, etc. (Leads to emotional abuse).

How do I get out of an abusive relationship?

First thing you need to detect is that you're in an abusive relationship and what kind. Then my best offer is to talk to someone about it, can be a relative, close friend, teacher, consular, therapist etc. If you can not get yourself to talk to someone about it then you can look things up online if it gets too serious, but if you're in danger then you need to get OUT of that relationship. It's clearly not a healthy relationship to be in what so ever. You can try to talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend and see that person needs anger management help or they're just not right for you. No relationship is "worth it" for abuse.

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