
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Flirtationships: The Beginning

Even though it may seem like some jump into relationships, there is what could be called a "flirtationship." It's the in between stage of friends to more than. Many high schoolers have experienced their own 'flirtationships.' Some end pretty badly, even ruining the friendship, but some also turn out just fine.

Both Bryant and Keith, two high school juniors, have been subject to flirtationships. Keith says it all started just by talking, then asking for her number, "you got to put a little game into it to make it work." Although, some flirtationships can lead into relationships, sometimes they just end. Depending on the reaction on both ends of the flirtationship could cause some uncomfortable feelings in the aftermath.

"It was so awkward once it ended. We weren't in the same class though. Thank God!" responded Linnea, a junior.

Jeff however, would beg to differ, "I don't feel awkward about it-I don't know about them, but I'm fine afterwards."

Flirtationships can be fun and playful, yet there have been some cases where it has cause problems in the friendship before the flirting began.

"We're no longer friends," was the common response from all Keith, Linnea, and Caitt, all juniors.

Whether or not flirtationships are harmless or can cause problems in a previous relationship, the answer is up in the air. However, almost everyone has found, or will find, themselves to be in the beginning of the start of a relationship-a flirtationship.

1 comment:


    This article was actually pretty truthful when it came down to it. The truth of the matter is that usually flirting is harmless. Though, when it comes to some, people are terrified of being rejected. When the flirtationship ends, someone is left confused; if the other stopped because of fear of rejection.
    Other times, someone may come on way too strongly and scare you off. This guy in the article said that flirting "is a delicate field," where I don't necessarily agree with him, the ggeneral idea is the truth. Sometimes people are just firendly and that can be misinterpreted as flirting, or someone just flirts because they like to flirt.
    This guy does point out though, you should find out if they like you, or if they just like to flirt.
    The bottom line: flirting can cause problems(you've been warned), but it can also be the start of a flirtationship.
