10) Don't swear, they don't want their child going out with someone who has a sailors mouth.
xoxo KKSM
In this blog, we're going to have a topic a week on teenage realtionships. We are going to try to go in order of a general "Teen Relationship Timeline." From flirting to dating, to getting together to breaking up. We're going to talk about it all right here, right now.
Prince William & Kate Middleton wed on April 30th, 2011. A date that will go in history books around the world. |
You'll encounter it someday if you have not already, the epic battle between best friend and boyfriend/girlfriend. Unfortunately, sometimes your best friend and boyfriend do not get along, however, how do you balance both relationships and keep everyone happy? It's difficult, and usually ends up tarnishing one of the relationships.
So how do you try to balance the relationships? It's not going to be easy. Some one's not going to be happy, best friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, one will feel left out. This is a difficult topic because many want to please both, there's nothing worse than having your best friend dislike your boyfriend or girlfriend.
So, what to do? 1) Think about what you value the most, friendships or a relationship which the odds are, you'll end up breaking up. 2) What does your best friend dislike about your boyfriend/girlfriend? Is there something you seem to be missing? Put yourlsef in their shoes. The best friend may also only want to see the bad, in that case, you need a new best friend. 3) You can tell both to suck it up and deal with one another. You don't want to hear about how they dislike the other, you just want them to be civil when in the same room.
It's going to be difficult, but honestly, if they both love you, neither will make you choose one relationship over the other. If one does try to make you choose, try to put yourslef in their shoes. Most girls realize when their best friend vents to the other, they vent all the bad stuff that happens, not the good. So they should take it that into account.
What if they still don't get along? When it comes down to it, you may just have to choose. Remember who will be there in the long run for you, and what reltionship you value more. These situations do stink, but it happens, and you always learn from experience. Need advice? Go to the advice page and comment! xoxo KKSM