
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Meet The Parents

Meet The Parents, except unlike the movie, this probably won't end up with you burning down a gazebo, losing the family cat, or breaking the grandmothers urn. If you haven't seen the movie, watch it, it'll make you feel loads better after meeting your boyfriends parents. Meeting the parents of your bf/gf is one of the most nerve racking parts of the relationship timeline. In order to calm your nerves, I'm going to give some tips to try and help you:

1) Dress appropriately. No parent wants their little girl going out with a guy, who looks like he's a wannabe Eminem. Neither do parents want their angel of a son going out with a girl who looks like she's ready to hop on a pole. But don't dress like you're trying too hard, some parents get put off by the fact you're trying too hard to make them like you.

2) One of my friends was going on a date with this guy, but her parents wanted to meet him first. When he came over he greeted her with his tongue down her throat----did I mention it was in front of her dad? Needless to say, she wasn't going on anymore dates with him. I would say that you can old hands in front of the parents, but it's hard to tell the first time you meet parents. To keep it safe, keep the PDA to a minimum.

3) Be friendly, but not too overly friendly. Always keep the conversation going and listen to what they're saying, no matter how boring it may seem. I don't care if it's about polymer science it may come up in later conversation, and it may damage their view of you if they realize you could care less about what they were saying.

4) The Handshake. My dad is a firm believer in the fact you can tell a lot about a man by the way he shakes your hand. Don't try and rip his hand off like a neanderthal, but a nice firm handshake is key. (Don't over think it, that's when you mess it up)

5) Never talk about yourself in an arrogant way, no one likes a bragger. Being modest is fine, but not too modest. Take a compliment, but don't keep denying it- it seems like you want attention sometimes.

6) LISTEN. I've mentioned this before, but it's important. Parents know when you're getting glassy eyed and just don't care. It's rude and unappealing.

7) Be home by curfew, if you have one. It's disrespectful if you don't obey their roles, especially for meeting them for the first time, if you don't respect them do you respect their kid?

8) Don't bring up religion or politics at any time during the conversation. These are the most controversial topics between anyone. Trying to get on your bf/gf's parents good side don't start talking about how you feel about the President, and how he should do his job.

9) Presents? That's debatable, bringing flowers or something is harmless, but don't go overboard. It's usually not necessary, quite honestly.
10) Don't swear, they don't want their child going out with someone who has a sailors mouth.

This isn't something to sweat about all that much. Be yourself and be friendly, there's a 95% chance your bf/gf's parents will like you. Unless of course you lose the family cat or set something on fire, but the likelihood of that is slim. Any more tips you have? Comment!
xoxo KKSM

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is age really just a number?

Age is only a number, some would argue with this statement, and others would agree. Why is it fine that a 17 year old boy can go out with a 15 year old girl, when if it were a 17 year old girl going out with a 15 year old boy there'd be some talk? It's a total double standard, obviously, it all just depends on how you deal with that.

In high school and even in some instances college, age does matter, usually. 1 or 3 years is a big difference because you're in different stages of your life. However, when your in your twenties or thirties it doesn't matter what so ever if there's even if a 5 year difference, but seeing a 20 year old with a 15 year old is going to turn a lot of heads.

So what do you do if the guy's age you like causes a divide in the relationship now, but won't 5 years from now? Honestly, I feel it depends on how much the age difference is, 1 or 2 years no big deal, but when you start hitting 4 years, I feel that's pushing it. Yet, that's just me, but what about you? Does age really matter? Has our generation become so accepting, it just isn't a big deal to us anymore?

Comment! xoxo KKSM

Monday, May 2, 2011

Girls Only: A Royal Love Story

Prince William & Kate Middleton wed on April 30th, 2011. A date that will go in history books around the world.

Just last Monday, a new chapter in history was started. 
The oldest son of Princess Diana, William, married his fiancee, model Kate Middleton in a world-wide celebration broadcasted through every form of media. Every News station and TV channel reported the wonderful event and revealed every detail of the couple, down to the cost of the cake, the dress and the wedding itself. Every news reporter rushed to get the first story on the Royal Wedding, Americans wore tiaras & had tea parties, and every family in England crowded the streets before Buckingham Palace to witness the couple kiss on this happy, exciting, glorious day.

Isn't that every girl's dream? To be a princess? Can you imagine what it must be like? To wear a jeweled crown, long, beautiful gowns and to live in a big castle with your handsome Prince? I know when I was a little girl, I would dress up and pretend that I was a princess, did you?
Well, now being a teenager, I know that it's unrealistic to aspire to be a princess. Even though I wasn't born into royalty, I would love to feel like a princess everyday. 
Then, I realized...I will be a princess one day. You will too. All girls will be! How?
When Kate & Will met, their love story began. Don't you know that when you meet that person you were meant to be with you too will have your very own fairytale?
Being girls, we need to know that we are all princess's at heart, and we should be treated like a princess! We shouldn't let ourselves settle for less than we deserve! Listen girls. Find the boy that will fight dragons for you. That will hold the door open for you, tell you you're beautiful everyday, send you flowers, call you to tell you he's thinking of you, and loves you more than you can imagine.
Some might say, that'll never happen to me or boy's won't do that...they're wrong! Will & Kate demonstrate that! I've seen it happen and I know that boys have a heart, feel feelings and have a romantic side...even if we don't always see it.

So why settle for less than we deserve? Girls can sometimes let boys walk all over them, fall for the bad boy and like the guy whose an @$$. We all do it. But we all deserve our own polite, loving, caring, brave, handsome prince. Trust when I say that YOUR prince will come. Maybe not next week or maybe not even next year but you will find love! After all, doesn't the prince/princess have to go on an adventure and learn some things about him/herself before he/she can find the right one for them? Same goes for real life!

Will & Kate can represent how every guy should treat his girl! Like a princess. Because she deserves to be one. Even if you haven't found your prince yet, you still are a princess.The world will watch as Will & Kate's love story comes alive and grows as they take on the throne, find their castle and someday create a family. Every girl has to search for her own definition of her perfect "prince". He's out there waiting to find you, just as mush as you're waiting to find him. When it comes to your own fairytale everything WILL be perfect. Just like the movies. A whole new world will be created, on land or under the sea, awakened with true love's kiss, maybe with the help of seven dwarfs and the glass slipper will fit. 

Don't forget to feel like a princess everyday. You are one :*

xoxo KKSM ;)

For You, With Love

Presents.  In my opinion, this can be one stressful part of a relationship. Why? That’s simple. Unless you have some sort of psychic mind – reading powers, you probably don’t know the exact present to get someone. Stressful enough as it is, not knowing what to get a “significant other” can be incredibly overwhelming.
It’s not just the process of brainstorming a good idea either, there’s always a question on price or quantity. Like if you get your boyfriend a lovely shirt, and he comes in with a bag full of stuff for you… it can lead to tension, which no one wants.
So how can you completely avoid this problem?
YOU CAN’T!!!!!!!
But how can we try to completely avoid this problem? Much easier.
First of all, before you even start thinking of a present for your boyfriend/girlfriend, set a price limit. It may sound bad, but it’s completely necessary. Without an understanding on a price ball park, how are you or your BF/GF supposed to know what to get?
Secondly, don’t think of stereotypical gift ideas. If your BF/GF likes American Eagle, for example, it doesn’t mean that their gift has to come from American Eagle!
Third, try to put as much thought into the gift as possible. For example, don’t just get him any shirt. Get him the shirt that he said he liked when you went to the mall together last weekend.
Lastly, always remember it’s not always about the material item, it’s the thought that counts. Sometimes your BF/GF will get you something inconsiderate, unimportant, trivial, insignificant or just plain ugly. My advice? Just try be thankful…because it probably could be worse.
Have you had any bad experiences with gifts from your BF/GF? Let me know!
Meg <3